Sometimes, being smart and generous can make choosing a career quite difficult. Having the ability to succeed in a prestigious job field and yearning to help people can lead a person to be quite torn. There are obvious careers like the medical field that will utilize both a talented mind and giving heart, but what if that isn't what you are looking for? A Houston bankruptcy attorney once gave a statement that he never thought going into the field of law would let him help so many deserving people. The woodlands bankruptcy attorney college prepares people for just that type of career. The woodlands bankruptcy lawyer program requires the students to be academically talented and have compassion for others. This career will put you in contact with people who are down on their luck and need help. You will have the chance to help these people get back on their feet.
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Another great career path for those who like to help people is social work. Social Workers are some of the most important people in today's world. They serve many purposes and often do jobs that other people couldn't handle. You have to be smart to be a social worker, and also very dedicated. Many social workers don't make a lot of money with what they do, so they genuinely have to love their job.
The average salary of a social worker is in between twenty and thirty thousand dollars a year. This is barely enough to support one person, let alone a family. So, if you are interested in social work you need to be well aware and prepared that you may have to suffer for your career. The lack of pay shouldn't deter you from the career however, because social workers are no doubt some of the worlds biggest heroes.
Being a social worker allows you the opportunity to work with a wide variety of people. You could do child social work and work with children in foster homes. This job is obviously heart wrenching and it takes a very stoic person to do. You could also work with veterans of war. This is a very important area that often gets ignored. When men come back form war they experience a lot of difficulties and even can become mentally ill. We are often ignorant to these people, and social workers who work with vets try to help them function normally again and return to a regular life.
Wanting to dedicate your life to helping people is an amazing quality. It shows selflessness and compassion for the human race. In today's world, compassion can seem to be a foreign policy to most people. Everyone is busy and goes about their day often without thinking of other people. Those who wish to spend everyday thinking of other people are truly heroic. Although these people don't become famous for their lives charity work like celebrities do from one act of generosity, they continue to do it. It is rare these people get a thank you for their hard work, but it is the good in their hearts that fuels them.
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