If you are a shopaholic, or too spendthrift in your shopping, you might face a time when you would pile up debts. If things go worse, you will be bankrupt, and then would have to seek assistance from a bankruptcy attorney or a bankruptcy lawyer. If you are already piling up debts, playing with your credit card further is not a wise thing to do. However, because you are addicted to shopping, keeping away from it would not be an easy task for you with the help of this card.
A lot of people might not realize that they are under the influence of credit card addiction. In fact, many people might not know that it actually exists. Well, the truth is that it does, and once you are a victim of it, it is pretty much like alcoholic or drug addiction. The first part in treating this addiction is to accept that you are an addict. And, if you are already piling up debts, it is high time that you realize that being so extravagant is not a sensible thing to do.
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A good idea to control your credit card addiction is to keep it as far away from you as possible. Yes, you will have to do without it. When you go out shopping, instead of your credit card, take some cash notes along with you. This will help you realize how much you are spending on each purchase. Moreover, once you have spent all the money you brought, you have no other choice but to head home.
It is a good idea to involve a friend in your mission. Make yourself accountable to him/her. Every time you spend some money, tell him/her what you bought, how much it cost you, and how much money you are left with.
If you are really determined to put a stop to your credit card addiction, it is better to close your credit account. This might be the situation when your finances are already not going the way they should be. To do this, you can call the number on the back of the card, and request the personnel to close your account.
You can also keep a card for emergencies. Well, an emergency here definitely does not mean the pair of shoes displayed at the store! What you can do is give the card to someone, who will keep it in his/her custody, and will give it to you only when you need it for 'real' emergencies. Other than those 'real' emergencies, do not even think about the card!
Finally, you should keep a follow up of all the expenditures you made. You can either do this monthly, weekly, or once in every two weeks, depending on your feasibility. Make a note of every purchase you make and calculate the total money you had spent. In the end, check your progress. If you are not limiting the number of your expenses, you would still have a long way to go. On the other hand, if you are, then good job! Keep up the practice, and very soon you will be saying goodbye to your addiction!
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