In an ideal world, families are all groups of people who get along great, support one another, and are there when a relative needs them. Even if there are minor family squabbles, you put it aside and eventually focus on what is important. There may be a few tense visits or a holiday or two where you do not see someone, but overall the problems that families face are minor and do not interfere with their lives aside from when they are all gathered around the same dinner table. Unfortunately, this is not the case in a lot of situations and people find themselves in precarious situations because of the irresponsibility of another family member. Try as you might to distance yourself, some things just creep into your life and you cannot avoid it. Money has a tendency to cause rifts between family members. This includes spouses as well as siblings and more distant relatives. You may think if your brother or sister needs a bankruptcy attorney, it has no effect on you.
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In some cases this may be correct, but sometimes their issues blend into your life and finances. Pretend for a moment your brother has called on the services of The Woodlands bankruptcy attorney and they are dangerously close to needing to file. Also assume they are living in a home that belonged to your parents that you are a part owner of. The bankruptcy lawyer then finds out they have forged signatures on lending documents to take out additional mortgages on the home, and your name was one that was forged.
After all, you are a partial owner and you need to sign for money borrowed against the house. If they default on these loans, you can be held responsible for the debt if you are unable to prove your signature was forged.
Another way family problems can bleed into your otherwise calm existence is substance abuse problems. If a relative suffers from a drinking or drug problem they can show up at any time not in control of their faculties. They may be invited to family functions and gatherings, and everyone holds their breath hoping they show up sober and not under the influence. Chances are if they are not getting professional treatment for their problem, it is just a matter of time before they wreak havoc on a party or family holiday. This is uncomfortable for everyone, it creates a scene that could affect children for years to come, and in many cases, may be physically unsafe for those in attendance. Drug or alcohol-induced family scenes rarely end well for anyone involved. Even if you are used to a quiet, uneventful life with your spouse or children, you could end up in the middle of a violent family scene because of the behavior of a sibling, parent, or in-law. You may think you are safe and protected from drama and danger, but if anyone in your family has a problem, you may be exposed to the scene it eventually will cause.
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