Even in rough economies there are people who think about leaving the job they have. Knowing people are out job hunting and desperate for employment, they believe they are unhappy enough that it is worth the risk of spending time unemployed. If you are truly miserable, leaving your job may be the right decision for you, even if there is a great deal of risk involved. You may have your sights set on another opportunity, or the thought of getting up one more morning and trudging off to something you hate doing has just gotten to be too much. If you are feeling like this, take a few minutes to think about the possible consequences before you make your decision. You may have considered each of them before, but now that you are serious, you need to have a game plan. It can some time before you are able to find another job, or if you have decided you are not going back to traditional full-time work, you need some sort of safety net. The last thing you want if you are embarking on the adventure of leaving a steady job is to find yourself in need of an bankruptcy attorney or bankruptcy lawyer and few months down the road. You need a game plan and in order to start developing your plan, you need to understand what lies ahead.
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First, speak with those in your life that will be affected by your decision. If you are married, your spouse needs to be a part of the decision. He or she should support your decision and be willing to make a few sacrifices. If they are unable to do this, you are going to be missing your major support system. They may have perfectly valid reasons for thinking the decision is wrong, and their disagreement may create tension, but you will need their support once you have made your decision, so make sure they are on your side before making your move. Next speak with children and other family members who may be required to make sacrifices. It might be hard to get kids to understand their allowance will be cut because mom or dad is leaving a job, but hopefully they will see the benefit of it in the long run. Try to understand they are kids and they may not understand the stress you deal with. Explain to them you are unwilling to continue your unhappiness, but you understand why they are upset.
Next, take a look at your financial situation. Every financial guide will tell you to have a three to six months savings built up before doing anything drastic. This may not be possible, but do your best to make it so. If you do not have a savings and you choose to leave your job, you are going to have to generate other income until you make a decision about future employment. Find places to cut costs and try to come up with enough to supplement the salary you gave up. Also take into account things like healthcare expenses when making these decisions.
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