Did you know that there is one sure fire way you can stop a foreclosure sale -- even if it's as soon as tomorrow? And you don't need an attorney, or an expensive on-line service. You can do it yourself. All you need is someone to take you through the forms.
If you are asking yourself, "How to save my house from foreclosure," the next question is, "How much time do you have"?
You can file a chapter 13 bankruptcy 30 minutes before the auction and still stop the sale. But unless you are a real thrill seeker, you don't want to cut it that close. The moment a chapter 13 bankruptcy is filed with the court, the lender can't have an auction or sheriff sale. They have to stop the sale.
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Most people think they have to hire an attorney and pay thousands of dollars. There are a whole lot of things to consider, and eventually you may want to hire an attorney, but first things first. You can deal with all that later after you take away the immediate threat of losing your home tomorrow.
Remember the immediate goal is stopping the sale. The good news is that all you need is a preliminary filing in place for that to happen. That's all it takes to stop foreclosure.
Then catch your breath. And with the immediate crisis at bay for at least a little while you can start asking the bigger questions, like: Do I want to keep my house" Do I want to hire an attorney? Which one: a bankruptcy attorney, or an attorney who specializes in loan modifications? These are all big questions that deserve careful thought. And if you spend $2,000 on a bankruptcy attorney in a last minute ditch effort, you may have wished you spent the money on a different attorney, or maybe an attorney who specializes in loan modifications. And if you don't have the funds right now but your home is scheduled for a sale tomorrow, you have to do something fast, because the bank won't wait for you. If you don't have the $2,000 for an attorney to stop your sale today, then you sure won't need one after they take your home tomorrow.
But how do I make sure I get this filed right so it stops the sale? You sure don't want to get this wrong, because if you screw up, they could take your house. How about those on-line filing services? You simply don't have time to determine if they will do it right. And what if they don't file on time? There is no substitute for walking into the bankruptcy court with documents that you know are correctly filled out, and handing them to the clerk yourself. You get a time stamped receipt and know you got the job done.
How do you make sure you fill everything out and do all the required things so that the clerk accepts your file? Find someone else who did it. If you could just see how someone else did it -- every single detailed step from point A to Z, wouldn't that give you confidence that you could do it on your own too? Then, when you ask yourself how to save my house from foreclosure, your answer can be simple. "I did it myself."
Stopping your foreclosure by filing your own chapter 13 bankruptcy won't fix things permanently, but it stops the immediate crisis so you can think clearer and live to fight your lender another day. Once your sale is stopped, take a deep breath, and with your head a little clearer, you can start making the bigger decisions.
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